“Singing with the choir provides me with an outlet for my creativity, without having to know how to read music, and a sense of community that is good for the soul. Charlie is the most energetic and talented director; her passion takes everyone to delightful musical heights!”  



Just another music Monday.
(That’s our fun day.)

We don’t have to tell you: NYC is just about the greatest city in the world, with a lot of important things to say. Like “love is love.” “Art is everywhere.” And “there should be more places to sing Beyoncé and Green Day in 5-part harmony.”

Well, not only do we believe in all of the above, but when NYC talks, we listen. So New York singers — of every level, from superstar to “where do I start?” — now have another place to get their choir on.

Meet our Metropop Choir. It blends that same killer mixtape of music genres, mashups and memorable voices as the rest of our choir crews. It hits that same sweet spot between relaxed and laugh riot (on a Monday, no less). It rehearses in the same “cool-with-out-trying”, lower east side space as our Britpop Choir. And when all is said and done, it lets you share in the kind of rich, glorious sound that gets New Yorkers talking.



Info for Spring Cycle 2024

Venue: Gibney 280 Broadway, 53A Chambers St, New York, NY 10007

(This is a temporary venue, typically we rehearse at Latea in the Lower East Side. We will most likely return in the Fall).

Day: Monday evenings (with one exception)

Time: 6pm - 7:15pm

Dates: May 6, 13, 20 & Friday 31, June 3, 10 & 17

Final Performance: Tuesday June 18th @ Le Poisson Rouge, Evening Show (exact times TBD). All NYCP choirs will be performing.


Price: $140 (20 per class) + a 3% processing fee.

The cycle fee can be paid in up to three installments and financial aid is available; please contact us for more info

Ability Level: All - no audition needed

Our choir members range from professionals to beginners and everyone in between. We generally teach our arrangements by ear (vs. using sheet music), so you don’t have to read music to join us.

Participants: Maximum 55 people.

How to get involved: Please get in touch for info on joining our spring cycle.

Questions: Check out our FAQs or get in touch

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