“There’s something so empowering about making music together. You feel connections with other people, you laugh, you pat each other on the back, and you just have a lot of fun. Charlie and Megan are amazing directors, and I feel very fortunate to be part of this.”  



Empower them with music;
they’ll reward you with learning.

The evidence is overwhelming: bringing music into schools creates both better students and a richer, more engaging learning environment. Learning music boosts reading and memorization skills. Practicing instills discipline and teaches the importance of teamwork. Singing builds confidence in a way no other program can, and attendance rates are almost 10% higher for schools with music programs than for those without.*

It’s that important. So we offer a way for you to share song with your students, even if a full-time music program is off the table. New York Choir Project offers school chorus and songwriting programs (or some variation you may have in mind) on a contract basis, bringing a professional teaching artist into the classroom for anything from a 1-day workshop to a 10-week residency.

Drawing on 15 years of school-based experience in both the U.S. and U.K., we have partnered extensively with NYC schools—and have seen the transformative effect it can have on students.

We'd love to talk about your needs:

Just email us here with your thoughts and how we can reach you, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • School chorus programs, K-12

  • Songwriting workshops, Grades 2-12

  • Custom curricula, on request

  • Parent or educator workshops, on request 

*The National Association for Music Education, 2015.